We are the organizer of the NZMASP Conference 2016. It was held at Queenstown, Otago!
Such a beautiful place and a delightful experience here!
Title: Play with GPS Data from Off-line to On-line
Abstract: GPS units mounted on a vehicle record its position, speed and bearing. The time series of positions then represents the trajectory of the vehicle. Noisy measurements and infrequent sampling, however, mean simplistic trajectory reconstruction will have unrealistic features, like sharp turns. Smoothing spline methods can efficiently build smoother, more realistic trajectories with a batch of data, which is a kind of “Off-line” methods. To get an instant status and to predict the next position of a moving vehicle, a cheaper and more effective computational method, known as Dynamic linear system, is introduced. By using which, the model can keep updating its parameters with all the data generated up to the current status. This method is an “On-line” method. In this presentation, I will talk about how I played with GPS data by using and improving these models. Some spin-off results are given. Numeric simulation study and real data example are presented.