Data visualization

The data set is lasrosas.corn from the R-package agridat. The yield monitor data for a corn field (quintals/ha) was conducted by incorporating six nitrogen rate treatments in three replicated blocks comprising 18 strips across the field in Argentina in 2001. The raw data is converted to 93 rows \(\times\) 18 cols grid.

##        x                  y                yield            nitro
##  Min.   :-5137122   Min.   :-6258764   Min.   : 12.66   Min.   :  0.0
##  1st Qu.:-5136910   1st Qu.:-6258727   1st Qu.: 50.51   1st Qu.: 39.0
##  Median :-5136707   Median :-6258689   Median : 84.66   Median : 63.0
##  Mean   :-5136705   Mean   :-6258689   Mean   : 75.32   Mean   : 64.9
##  3rd Qu.:-5136504   3rd Qu.:-6258650   3rd Qu.: 99.52   3rd Qu.: 99.8
##  Max.   :-5136293   Max.   :-6258613   Max.   :117.90   Max.   :124.6
##  topo           bv         rep       nf          StripNo         RowId
##  E :350   Min.   : 91.74   R1:558   N0:279   Strip: 1:  93   Min.   : 1
##  HT:414   1st Qu.:168.10   R2:558   N1:279   Strip: 2:  93   1st Qu.:24
##  LO:424   Median :173.63   R3:558   N2:279   Strip: 3:  93   Median :47
##  W :486   Mean   :174.67            N3:279   Strip: 4:  93   Mean   :47
##           3rd Qu.:180.26            N4:279   Strip: 5:  93   3rd Qu.:70
##           Max.   :213.82            N5:279   Strip: 6:  93   Max.   :93
##                                              (Other) :1116
##       row            col           cnitro         nitro.sq       cnitro.sq
##  1      :  18   1      :  93   Min.   :-64.9   Min.   :    0   Min.   : 110.2
##  2      :  18   2      :  93   1st Qu.:-25.9   1st Qu.: 1521   1st Qu.: 204.5
##  3      :  18   3      :  93   Median : -1.9   Median : 4123   Median : 944.4
##  4      :  18   4      :  93   Mean   :  0.0   Mean   : 5875   Mean   :1663.3
##  5      :  18   5      :  93   3rd Qu.: 34.9   3rd Qu.: 9960   3rd Qu.:3564.1
##  6      :  18   6      :  93   Max.   : 59.7   Max.   :15525   Max.   :4212.0
##  (Other):1566   (Other):1116
##    gridobject       gridId
##  1      :   6   1      :   1
##  2      :   6   2      :   1
##  3      :   6   3      :   1
##  4      :   6   4      :   1
##  5      :   6   5      :   1
##  6      :   6   6      :   1
##  (Other):1638   (Other):1668
ggplot(gridded_df_ordered) + geom_point(aes(row,col,colour=rep),size=2) + theme_bw()

ggplot(gridded_df_ordered) + geom_point(aes(row,col,colour=nf),size=2) + theme_bw()

ggplot(gridded_df_ordered) + geom_point(aes(row,col,colour=yield),size=2) + theme_bw()

ggplot(gridded_df_ordered) + geom_point(aes(row,col,colour=topo),size=2) + theme_bw()

ggplot(gridded_df_ordered, aes(x= yield,y=topo,fill=topo)) +
## Picking joint bandwidth of 3.01

countplot   <- gridded_df_ordered
countplot$x1<- as.numeric(countplot$row)
countplot$y1<- as.numeric(countplot$col)
coordinates(countplot) <- c("x1", "y1")

spplot(countplot, "yield")

countplot.ppp <- as(countplot["yield"], "ppp")
countplot.ppp.smooth <- Smooth(countplot.ppp)
plot(countplot.ppp.smooth, col=matlab.like2,  ribsep=0.01,
     ribside="bottom", main="")
contour(countplot.ppp.smooth,"marks.nitro", add=TRUE, lwd=1,
        vfont=c("sans serif", "bold italic"), labcex=0.9)


df <- read.csv("SinglesiteModel.csv")
kable(df)%>%kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))
X Fixed Random Residual Log.likelihood AIC BIC
model 0 1 rep+nf — -6266.143 12538.290 12554.550
model 1 1 rep+nf id(row):id(col) -6266.143 12538.290 12554.550
model 2 1+lin(row)+lin(col) rep+nf ar1(row):ar1(col) -3913.398 7836.796 7863.902
model 3 1+lin(row) rep+nf+spl(row) ar1(row):ar1(col) -3607.354 7226.708 7259.238
model 4 1+lin(row) rep+nf+spl(row)+outl ar1(row):ar1(col) -3441.974 6897.948 6935.900
model 5 1+lin(row)+nf rep+spl(row)+outl ar1(row):ar1(col) -3434.315 6880.630 6913.143
model 6 1+lin(row)+nf+lin(row):nf rep+spl(row)+outl ar1(row):ar1(col) -3450.218 6912.436 6944.931
model 7 1+lin(row)+nf rep+spl(row)+outl+nf:spl(row) ar1(row):ar1(col) -3430.177 6874.353 6912.284
model 8 1+cnitro+cnitro.sq rep ar1(row):ar1(col) -3922.920 7853.840 7875.525
model 9 1+lin(row)+cnitro+cnitro.sq rep+spl(row) ar1(row):ar1(col) -3611.849 7233.698 7260.801
model 10 1+lin(row)+cnitro+cnitro.sq rep+spl(row)+outl ar1(row):ar1(col) -3446.323 6904.646 6937.170
model 11 1+lin(row)+cnitro+cnitro.sq rep+spl(row)+outl+cnitro:spl(row)+cnitro.sq:spl(row) ar1(row):ar1(col) -3438.807 6893.614 6936.979

Fit treatment as random

#initial model
mod0 <- asreml(yield ~ 1,
               random= ~ rep+nf,
               data=gridded_df_ordered, maxiter=20)
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:00 2020
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -6273.834       652.480   1673 09:37:00    0.0 (2 restrained)
##  2     -6267.399       654.012   1673 09:37:00    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  3     -6266.281       654.396   1673 09:37:00    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  4     -6266.152       654.576   1673 09:37:00    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  5     -6266.144       654.571   1673 09:37:00    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  6     -6266.143       654.571   1673 09:37:00    0.0
## $loglik
## [1] -6266.143
## $AIC
## [1] 12538.29
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 3
## $BIC
## [1] 12554.55
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 3

mod1 <- asreml(yield ~ 1,
               random= ~ rep+nf,
               residual= ~ id(row):id(col),
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:02 2020
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -6273.834       652.480   1673 09:37:02    0.0 (2 restrained)
##  2     -6267.399       654.012   1673 09:37:02    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  3     -6266.281       654.396   1673 09:37:02    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  4     -6266.152       654.576   1673 09:37:02    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  5     -6266.144       654.571   1673 09:37:02    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  6     -6266.143       654.571   1673 09:37:02    0.0
## $loglik
## [1] -6266.143
## $AIC
## [1] 12538.29
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 3
## $BIC
## [1] 12554.55
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 3
##                  gamma    component    std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## rep       1.011929e-07 6.623795e-05 2.293633e-06 28.8790582     B   0
## nf        4.658895e-03 3.049578e+00 3.413517e+00  0.8933832     P   0
## row:col!R 1.000000e+00 6.545712e+02 2.266595e+01 28.8790582     P   0
#check the significance of the fixed effects
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1   4129124         6308.1 < 2.2e-16 ***
## residual (MS)          655
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#run the diagnostics


#fit the linear column and linear row effects model
mod2 <- asreml(yield ~ 1+lin(row)+lin(col),
               random= ~ rep+nf,
               residual= ~ar1(row):ar1(col),
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:04 2020
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -5673.261       323.517   1671 09:37:04    0.0 (3 restrained)
##  2     -4615.786       126.868   1671 09:37:04    0.0 (2 restrained)
##  3     -3997.362       134.557   1671 09:37:04    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  4     -3963.913       161.589   1671 09:37:04    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  5     -3919.907       300.788   1671 09:37:04    0.0 (2 restrained)
##  6     -3913.614       345.522   1671 09:37:04    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  7     -3913.406       337.173   1671 09:37:04    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  8     -3913.398       341.281   1671 09:37:04    0.0
##  9     -3913.398       340.286   1671 09:37:04    0.0
## $loglik
## [1] -3913.398
## $AIC
## [1] 7836.796
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 5
## $BIC
## [1] 7863.902
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 5
# -3913.398
##                    component    std.error   z.ratio bound %ch
## rep             3.443454e-05 5.571003e-06  6.181031     B   0
## nf              8.883445e-05 1.437211e-05  6.181031     B   0
## row:col!R       3.402861e+02 5.505330e+01  6.181031     P   0
## row:col!row!cor 9.374610e-01 1.068600e-02 87.727923     U   0
## row:col!col!cor 2.639157e-01 2.502896e-02 10.544416     U   0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1    277682         816.03 < 2.2e-16 ***
## lin(row)       1      2981           8.76  0.003077 **
## lin(col)       1        37           0.11  0.743124
## residual (MS)          340
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


# lin(col) is not significant, add spline row
mod3 <- asreml(yield~ 1+lin(row),
               random= ~rep+nf+spl(row),
               residual= ~ar1(row):ar1(col),
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:06 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3736.861       30.5672   1672 09:37:06    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  2     -3671.982       29.3929   1672 09:37:06    0.1
##  3     -3624.633       29.7522   1672 09:37:07    0.1
##  4     -3609.884       31.0471   1672 09:37:07    0.1
##  5     -3607.429       32.0617   1672 09:37:07    0.1
##  6     -3607.356       32.2887   1672 09:37:07    0.1
##  7     -3607.354       32.3363   1672 09:37:07    0.1
## $loglik
## [1] -3607.354
## $AIC
## [1] 7226.708
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
## $BIC
## [1] 7259.238
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
# -3607.354
##                  component  std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## rep              0.1837729 0.36505126  0.5034168     P 0.1
## nf               5.1187964 3.41221249  1.5001400     P 0.0
## spl(row)         9.8298245 2.96299498  3.3175299     P 0.0
## row:col!R       32.3362912 1.36943864 23.6128075     P 0.0
## row:col!row!cor  0.4415356 0.02081960 21.2076837     U 0.1
## row:col!col!cor  0.1486154 0.02568646  5.7857458     U 0.0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1    188245         5821.5 < 2.2e-16 ***
## lin(row)       1     91584         2832.2 < 2.2e-16 ***
## residual (MS)           32
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


# identify outliers
mod3.aom <- update(mod3,aom=T)
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:09 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3607.354       32.3452   1672 09:37:09    0.1
##  2     -3607.354       32.3458   1672 09:37:09    0.1
##  3     -3607.354       32.3470   1672 09:37:09    0.1
# gridded_df_ordered$aom <- residuals(mod3.aom)
gridded_df_ordered$aom <- mod3.aom$aom$R[,2]
ggplot(gridded_df_ordered) + geom_histogram(aes(aom),binwidth=1) +
  ggtitle("Histogram of Standardised Residuals")+theme_bw()

# ggplot(gridded_df_ordered) + geom_boxplot(aes(topo,aom)) + theme_bw()

# standardised residual plots of model 3
mod3.1 <- mod3
mod3.1$residuals<- mod3.aom$aom$R[,2]

temp <- gridded_df_ordered
##  [1]   74 1490 1116 1239 1369 1670  943 1473 1531   57
wh <- which(abs(gridded_df_ordered$aom)>5)
resID <- c(74)
##            x        y yield nitro topo     bv rep nf  StripNo RowId row col
## 510 -5137046 -6258749 19.41  75.4    W 177.46  R1 N3 Strip: 2     5   5   2
##     cnitro nitro.sq cnitro.sq gridobject gridId     aom
## 510   10.5  5685.16    110.25          5     74 -17.228
gridded_df_ordered$outl <- 0
gridded_df_ordered$outl[resID] <- 1
gridded_df_ordered$outl <- as.factor(gridded_df_ordered$outl)

# removing extreme outliers
gridded_df_ordered$yield[74] <- NA

mod3.2 <- asreml(yield~ 1+lin(row),
                 random= ~rep+nf+spl(row),
                 residual= ~ar1(row):ar1(col),
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:11 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3628.468       26.9187   1671 09:37:11    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  2     -3528.873       25.1916   1671 09:37:11    0.1
##  3     -3460.926       25.5634   1671 09:37:11    0.1
##  4     -3440.607       27.1242   1671 09:37:11    0.1
##  5     -3437.212       28.4171   1671 09:37:11    0.1
##  6     -3437.106       28.7254   1671 09:37:11    0.1
##  7     -3437.102       28.7894   1671 09:37:11    0.1
##  8     -3437.102       28.8016   1671 09:37:11    0.1
## $loglik
## [1] -3437.102
## $AIC
## [1] 6886.204
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
## $BIC
## [1] 6918.731
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
##                  component  std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## rep              0.1996678 0.39200006  0.5093566     P   0
## nf               5.2028157 3.47688797  1.4964002     P   0
## spl(row)         9.3337692 2.71290752  3.4405040     P   0
## row:col!R       28.8015509 1.29788494 22.1911435     P   0
## row:col!row!cor  0.5118910 0.02010364 25.4626049     U   0
## row:col!col!cor  0.1479415 0.02593579  5.7041445     U   0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1    163993         5693.9 < 2.2e-16 ***
## lin(row)       1     76586         2659.1 < 2.2e-16 ***
## residual (MS)           29
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


mod3.2.aom <- update(mod3.2,aom=T)
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:13 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3437.102       28.8039   1671 09:37:13    0.1
##  2     -3437.102       28.8041   1671 09:37:14    0.1
##  3     -3437.102       28.8044   1671 09:37:14    0.1
gridded_df_ordered$aom2 <- mod3.2.aom$aom$R[,2]

ggplot(gridded_df_ordered) + geom_histogram(aes(aom2),binwidth=1) +
  ggtitle("Histogram of Standardised Residuals")+theme_bw()

##  [1] 1490 1116 1239 1369 1670  943 1473  719 1131 1531
resID <- c(74,which(abs(gridded_df_ordered$aom2)>2))
##             x        y  yield nitro topo     bv rep nf   StripNo RowId row col
## 510  -5137046 -6258749     NA  75.4    W 177.46  R1 N3  Strip: 2     5   5   2
## 110  -5137080 -6258749  87.73  75.4    W 166.49  R1 N3  Strip: 2     1   1   2
## 1101 -5137122 -6258613  86.66  39.0    W 142.55  R3 N1 Strip: 18     1   1  18
## 270  -5137105 -6258647 100.52  75.4    W 139.78  R3 N3 Strip: 14     2   2  14
## 2101 -5137113 -6258613 102.16  39.0    W 131.17  R3 N1 Strip: 18     2   2  18
## 412  -5137063 -6258741  91.04  99.8    W 174.33  R1 N4  Strip: 3     4   4   3
## 460  -5137088 -6258656 110.90 124.6    W  96.39  R3 N5 Strip: 13     4   4  13
## 570  -5137080 -6258647  80.05  75.4    W 171.65  R3 N3 Strip: 14     5   5  14
## 580  -5137079 -6258639  85.22  99.8    W 172.75  R3 N4 Strip: 15     5   5  15
## 5101 -5137088 -6258614  99.69  39.0    W 171.22  R3 N1 Strip: 18     5   5  18
## 610  -5137038 -6258749 108.03  75.4    W 173.70  R1 N3  Strip: 2     6   6   2
## 650  -5137071 -6258639 108.45  99.8    W 174.05  R3 N4 Strip: 15     6   6  15
## 812  -5137029 -6258741 100.54  99.8    W 177.22  R1 N4  Strip: 3     8   8   3
## 9    -5137013 -6258758 100.44 124.6    W 179.49  R1 N5  Strip: 1     9   9   1
## 920  -5137038 -6258690  76.03  99.8    W 176.80  R2 N4  Strip: 9     9   9   9
## 1112 -5137021 -6258690  78.20  99.8    W 175.24  R2 N4  Strip: 9    11  11   9
## 121  -5136987 -6258750  81.90  75.4    W 183.94  R1 N3  Strip: 2    12  12   2
## 128  -5137004 -6258699  49.13  75.4    W 185.62  R2 N3  Strip: 8    12  12   8
## 13   -5136979 -6258758  82.70 124.6    W 180.27  R1 N5  Strip: 1    13  13   1
## 23   -5136894 -6258759  62.98 124.6    W 181.74  R1 N5  Strip: 1    23  23   1
## 259  -5136902 -6258683  36.08   0.0    W 177.30  R2 N0 Strip: 10    25  25  10
## 2615 -5136910 -6258632  36.09   0.0    W 181.43  R3 N0 Strip: 16    26  26  16
## 3315 -5136851 -6258632  31.38   0.0   HT 171.74  R3 N0 Strip: 16    33  33  16
## 3614 -5136817 -6258641  37.03  99.8   HT 188.19  R3 N4 Strip: 15    35  35  15
## 3917 -5136800 -6258616  52.90  39.0   HT 202.74  R3 N1 Strip: 18    38  38  18
## 4013 -5136783 -6258650  34.62  75.4   HT 198.83  R3 N3 Strip: 14    39  39  14
## 4117 -5136775 -6258650  43.70  75.4   HT 203.71  R3 N3 Strip: 14    40  40  14
## 4118 -5136775 -6258641  32.05  99.8   HT 204.97  R3 N4 Strip: 15    40  40  15
## 4120 -5136783 -6258624  31.79  50.6   HT 203.68  R3 N2 Strip: 17    40  40  17
## 4218 -5136775 -6258625  47.02  50.6   HT 202.14  R3 N2 Strip: 17    41  41  17
## 423  -5136742 -6258735  12.66   0.0   HT 193.16  R1 N0  Strip: 4    42  42   4
## 442  -5136725 -6258743  32.90  99.8   HT 187.79  R1 N4  Strip: 3    44  44   3
## 4516 -5136749 -6258625  50.57  50.6   HT 182.88  R3 N2 Strip: 17    44  44  17
## 4713 -5136732 -6258616  62.88  39.0   HT 179.37  R3 N1 Strip: 18    46  46  18
## 5218 -5136690 -6258625  68.11  50.6   HT 182.17  R3 N2 Strip: 17    50  50  17
## 5212 -5136673 -6258676  47.52  50.6    E 177.43  R2 N2 Strip: 11    51  51  11
## 531  -5136640 -6258753  75.83  75.4    E 177.89  R1 N3  Strip: 2    52  52   2
## 546  -5136648 -6258710  58.28 124.6    E 176.14  R2 N5  Strip: 7    53  53   7
## 547  -5136648 -6258702  74.35  75.4    E 175.50  R2 N3  Strip: 8    53  53   8
## 548  -5136657 -6258693  63.75  99.8    E 178.95  R2 N4  Strip: 9    53  53   9
## 556  -5136640 -6258710  87.78 124.6    E 177.27  R2 N5  Strip: 7    54  54   7
## 5415 -5136648 -6258634  69.74   0.0    E 173.77  R3 N0 Strip: 16    54  54  16
## 5614 -5136648 -6258642  65.65  99.8    E 177.05  R3 N4 Strip: 15    55  55  15
## 5717 -5136648 -6258617  81.37  39.0    E 173.73  R3 N1 Strip: 18    55  55  18
## 5817 -5136639 -6258617 101.34  39.0    E 174.48  R3 N1 Strip: 18    56  56  18
## 583  -5136606 -6258736 103.97   0.0    E 170.44  R1 N0  Strip: 4    57  57   4
## 5915 -5136605 -6258634  91.11   0.0    E 171.43  R3 N0 Strip: 16    59  59  16
## 6118 -5136605 -6258643  98.81  99.8    E 171.22  R3 N4 Strip: 15    60  60  15
## 6015 -5136597 -6258634 102.16   0.0    E 171.42  R3 N0 Strip: 16    60  60  16
## 635  -5136572 -6258719 105.73  39.0    E 176.47  R1 N1  Strip: 6    61  61   6
## 645  -5136564 -6258719  97.94  39.0    E 177.19  R1 N1  Strip: 6    62  62   6
## 6414 -5136580 -6258643 111.74  99.8    E 175.66  R3 N4 Strip: 15    62  62  15
## 6416 -5136588 -6258626 109.24  50.6    E 164.57  R3 N2 Strip: 17    62  62  17
## 6417 -5136588 -6258618  81.00  39.0    E 163.03  R3 N1 Strip: 18    62  62  18
## 655  -5136555 -6258719 106.84  39.0    E 169.45  R1 N1  Strip: 6    63  63   6
## 6514 -5136572 -6258643  95.77  99.8    E 167.74  R3 N4 Strip: 15    63  63  15
## 6516 -5136580 -6258626  92.21  50.6    E 168.51  R3 N2 Strip: 17    63  63  17
## 6811 -5136538 -6258669 110.54  39.0    E 161.69  R2 N1 Strip: 12    66  66  12
## 6916 -5136546 -6258626  96.32  50.6    E 167.79  R3 N2 Strip: 17    67  67  17
## 708  -5136521 -6258694  98.09  99.8    E 169.45  R2 N4  Strip: 9    68  68   9
## 7016 -5136538 -6258626 112.85  50.6    E 170.98  R3 N2 Strip: 17    68  68  17
## 7112 -5136513 -6258694 111.87  99.8    E 171.61  R2 N4  Strip: 9    69  69   9
## 7118 -5136521 -6258643  90.45  99.8    E 169.94  R3 N4 Strip: 15    69  69  15
## 7313 -5136504 -6258652  94.33  75.4    E 165.49  R3 N3 Strip: 14    71  71  14
## 734  -5136479 -6258728  93.06  50.6   LO 169.12  R1 N2  Strip: 5    72  72   5
## 7414 -5136495 -6258644  98.88  99.8    E 161.76  R3 N4 Strip: 15    72  72  15
## 744  -5136471 -6258729 108.01  50.6   LO 162.02  R1 N2  Strip: 5    73  73   5
## 7614 -5136478 -6258644 117.90  99.8   LO 162.17  R3 N4 Strip: 15    74  74  15
## 76   -5136446 -6258763  95.93 124.6   LO 169.89  R1 N5  Strip: 1    75  75   1
## 77   -5136437 -6258763 116.64 124.6   LO 159.75  R1 N5  Strip: 1    76  76   1
## 78   -5136429 -6258763  97.56 124.6   LO 163.36  R1 N5  Strip: 1    77  77   1
## 7914 -5136453 -6258644 112.94  99.8   LO 172.52  R3 N4 Strip: 15    77  77  15
## 8113 -5136428 -6258687 107.59   0.0   LO 169.97  R2 N0 Strip: 10    79  79  10
## 8118 -5136436 -6258644  87.43  99.8   LO 163.91  R3 N4 Strip: 15    79  79  15
## 813  -5136412 -6258746 112.83  99.8   LO 170.25  R1 N4  Strip: 3    80  80   3
## 8211 -5136420 -6258687  94.65   0.0   LO 165.06  R2 N0 Strip: 10    80  80  10
## 8417 -5136419 -6258619 107.22  39.0   LO 164.82  R3 N1 Strip: 18    81  81  18
## 83   -5136386 -6258763 110.56 124.6   LO 163.70  R1 N5  Strip: 1    82  82   1
## 8413 -5136411 -6258653 100.51  75.4   LO 153.08  R3 N3 Strip: 14    82  82  14
## 8414 -5136411 -6258644  92.60  99.8   LO 161.18  R3 N4 Strip: 15    82  82  15
## 8513 -5136402 -6258653  69.21  75.4   LO 163.36  R3 N3 Strip: 14    83  83  14
## 8514 -5136402 -6258644 106.21  99.8   LO 167.98  R3 N4 Strip: 15    83  83  15
## 8315 -5136402 -6258636 102.93   0.0   LO 165.34  R3 N0 Strip: 16    83  83  16
## 8612 -5136394 -6258661 102.66 124.6   LO 165.70  R3 N5 Strip: 13    84  84  13
## 8613 -5136394 -6258653 105.25  75.4   LO 164.87  R3 N3 Strip: 14    84  84  14
## 8415 -5136394 -6258636  86.67   0.0   LO 161.98  R3 N0 Strip: 16    84  84  16
## 862  -5136369 -6258746 109.52  99.8   LO 161.32  R1 N4  Strip: 3    85  85   3
## 8712 -5136385 -6258662 117.19 124.6   LO 165.81  R3 N5 Strip: 13    85  85  13
## 87   -5136352 -6258763  85.64 124.6   LO 169.63  R1 N5  Strip: 1    86  86   1
## 871  -5136352 -6258755 102.12  75.4   LO 177.52  R1 N3  Strip: 2    86  86   2
## 872  -5136361 -6258746  94.48  99.8   LO 171.21  R1 N4  Strip: 3    86  86   3
## 9214 -5136343 -6258653 109.57  75.4   LO 164.81  R3 N3 Strip: 14    90  90  14
## 9015 -5136343 -6258636  85.13   0.0   LO 167.75  R3 N0 Strip: 16    90  90  16
## 9316 -5136343 -6258628 100.36  50.6   LO 166.01  R3 N2 Strip: 17    90  90  17
## 9413 -5136326 -6258654 104.21  75.4   LO 173.38  R3 N3 Strip: 14    92  92  14
## 9414 -5136326 -6258645 107.01  99.8   LO 170.19  R3 N4 Strip: 15    92  92  15
## 959  -5136318 -6258654  85.05  75.4   LO 167.84  R3 N3 Strip: 14    93  93  14
##      cnitro nitro.sq cnitro.sq gridobject gridId        aom outl      aom2
## 510    10.5  5685.16    110.25          5     74 -17.228003    1        NA
## 110    10.5  5685.16    110.25          1      2  -1.810830    0 -2.042881
## 1101  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        187     18  -2.074970    0 -2.364591
## 270    10.5  5685.16    110.25        188     32   1.906677    0  2.251556
## 2101  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        188     36   2.386740    0  2.832189
## 412    34.9  9960.04   1218.01          4     57  -2.598582    0 -2.003388
## 460    59.7 15525.16   3564.09        190     67   2.964006    0  3.252966
## 570    10.5  5685.16    110.25        191     86  -2.071350    0 -2.365493
## 580    34.9  9960.04   1218.01        191     87  -1.774945    0 -2.112016
## 5101  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        191     90   2.328933    0  2.637118
## 610    10.5  5685.16    110.25          6     92   8.586755    0  2.611539
## 650    34.9  9960.04   1218.01        192    105   3.148979    0  3.561319
## 812    34.9  9960.04   1218.01          8    129   1.981116    0  2.234895
## 9      59.7 15525.16   3564.09          9    145   1.914733    0  2.045011
## 920    34.9  9960.04   1218.01        102    153  -1.770748    0 -2.023645
## 1112   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        104    189   1.763364    0  2.018685
## 121    10.5  5685.16    110.25         12    200   2.374815    0  2.631044
## 128    10.5  5685.16    110.25        105    206  -2.209220    0 -2.415099
## 13     59.7 15525.16   3564.09         13    217   2.432004    0  2.556345
## 23     59.7 15525.16   3564.09         23    397   1.787428    0  2.033787
## 259   -64.9     0.00   4212.01        118    442  -1.852269    0 -2.063370
## 2615  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        212    466  -2.089166    0 -2.315745
## 3315  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        219    592  -1.935853    0 -2.125031
## 3614   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        221    627  -2.301760    0 -2.603531
## 3917  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        224    684   2.200645    0  2.429073
## 4013   10.5  5685.16    110.25        225    698  -1.889680    0 -2.295096
## 4117   10.5  5685.16    110.25        226    716   1.823544    0  2.056192
## 4118   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        226    717  -1.865773    0 -2.150357
## 4120  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        226    719  -2.561293    0 -3.077060
## 4218  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        227    737   3.090783    0  3.575272
## 423   -64.9     0.00   4212.01         42    742  -2.344173    0 -2.442339
## 442    34.9  9960.04   1218.01         44    777  -1.795709    0 -2.028226
## 4516  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        230    791   1.921436    0  2.151343
## 4713  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        232    828   2.241009    0  2.415864
## 5218  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        236    899   1.981692    0  2.176197
## 5212  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        144    911  -2.063355    0 -2.373900
## 531    10.5  5685.16    110.25         52    920   1.933792    0  2.130680
## 546    59.7 15525.16   3564.09        146    943  -2.868999    0 -3.267559
## 547    10.5  5685.16    110.25        146    944   1.753662    0  2.001848
## 548    34.9  9960.04   1218.01        146    945  -2.124362    0 -2.448849
## 556    59.7 15525.16   3564.09        147    961   2.705213    0  3.176615
## 5415  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        240    970  -1.801181    0 -2.188551
## 5614   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        241    987  -2.175815    0 -2.228924
## 5717  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        241    990  -2.083140    0 -2.502616
## 5817  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        242   1008   2.268576    0  2.575574
## 583   -64.9     0.00   4212.01         57   1012   1.896104    0  2.060612
## 5915  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        245   1060  -1.882338    0 -2.188605
## 6118   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        246   1077  -1.733118    0 -2.016476
## 6015  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        246   1078   2.232872    0  2.659047
## 635   -25.9  1521.00    670.81         61   1086   1.692664    0  2.002704
## 645   -25.9  1521.00    670.81         62   1104  -1.723047    0 -2.054753
## 6414   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        248   1113   1.863626    0  2.148763
## 6416  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        248   1115   1.886120    0  2.103782
## 6417  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        248   1116  -3.462416    0 -3.804494
## 655   -25.9  1521.00    670.81         63   1122   1.764086    0  2.083405
## 6514   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        249   1131  -2.527782    0 -2.967026
## 6516  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        249   1133  -2.164896    0 -2.500754
## 6811  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        159   1182   1.909261    0  2.140685
## 6916  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        253   1205  -2.141243    0 -2.525669
## 708    34.9  9960.04   1218.01        161   1215  -1.805094    0 -2.112972
## 7016  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        254   1223   2.765228    0  3.202909
## 7112   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        162   1233   2.021065    0  2.331553
## 7118   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        255   1239  -3.225017    0 -3.680258
## 7313   10.5  5685.16    110.25        257   1274  -2.387866    0 -2.759634
## 734   -14.3  2560.36    204.49         72   1283  -2.505848    0 -2.917365
## 7414   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        258   1293  -2.050650    0 -2.386792
## 744   -14.3  2560.36    204.49         73   1301   1.928096    0  2.254462
## 7614   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        260   1329   2.334467    0  2.602642
## 76     59.7 15525.16   3564.09         75   1333  -2.316430    0 -2.687370
## 77     59.7 15525.16   3564.09         76   1351   3.710383    0  4.346406
## 78     59.7 15525.16   3564.09         77   1369  -3.022961    0 -3.621419
## 7914   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        263   1383   2.880488    0  3.350964
## 8113  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        172   1414   2.063600    0  2.345742
## 8118   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        265   1419  -2.180484    0 -2.369311
## 813    34.9  9960.04   1218.01         80   1425   3.092094    0  3.596567
## 8211  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        173   1432  -2.005950    0 -2.420092
## 8417  -25.9  1521.00    670.81        267   1458   1.795682    0  2.103211
## 83     59.7 15525.16   3564.09         82   1459   2.009552    0  2.317294
## 8413   10.5  5685.16    110.25        268   1472   3.234469    0  4.033093
## 8414   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        268   1473  -2.700483    0 -3.117826
## 8513   10.5  5685.16    110.25        269   1490  -7.622807    0 -8.716190
## 8514   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        269   1491   2.846929    0  3.368931
## 8315  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        269   1492   1.824425    0  2.138103
## 8612   59.7 15525.16   3564.09        270   1507  -1.784264    0 -2.209579
## 8613   10.5  5685.16    110.25        270   1508   3.757767    0  4.556601
## 8415  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        270   1510  -2.387898    0 -2.780062
## 862    34.9  9960.04   1218.01         85   1515   2.280352    0  2.625644
## 8712   59.7 15525.16   3564.09        271   1525   2.323150    0  2.534360
## 87     59.7 15525.16   3564.09         86   1531  -2.662678    0 -2.950584
## 871    10.5  5685.16    110.25         86   1532   1.750922    0  2.023950
## 872    34.9  9960.04   1218.01         86   1533  -1.775027    0 -2.059063
## 9214   10.5  5685.16    110.25        276   1616   2.418454    0  2.729257
## 9015  -64.9     0.00   4212.01        276   1618  -2.223945    0 -2.570816
## 9316  -14.3  2560.36    204.49        276   1619   1.943662    0  2.287110
## 9413   10.5  5685.16    110.25        278   1652   2.184576    0  2.594662
## 9414   34.9  9960.04   1218.01        278   1653   1.883662    0  2.186259
## 959    10.5  5685.16    110.25        279   1670  -3.021050    0 -3.436206
gridded_df_ordered$outl <- 0
gridded_df_ordered$outl[resID] <- 1
gridded_df_ordered$outl <- as.factor(gridded_df_ordered$outl)

### re-fit without outliers
mod4 <- asreml(yield~ 1+lin(row),
               random= ~rep+nf+spl(row)+outl,
               residual= ~ar1(row):ar1(col),
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:15 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3629.874       26.9174   1671 09:37:15    0.1 (2 restrained)
##  2     -3529.028       25.1879   1671 09:37:15    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  3     -3460.859       25.5663   1671 09:37:15    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  4     -3440.593       27.1274   1671 09:37:15    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  5     -3437.212       28.4179   1671 09:37:15    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  6     -3437.106       28.7256   1671 09:37:15    0.1
##  7     -3437.102       28.7894   1671 09:37:15    0.1
##  8     -3437.102       28.8016   1671 09:37:15    0.1
asrmod(mod4)# $loglik
## $loglik
## [1] -3437.102
## $AIC
## [1] 6888.204
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 7
## $BIC
## [1] 6926.152
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 7
##                    component    std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## outl            2.914513e-06 1.313368e-07 22.1911349     B   0
## rep             1.996674e-01 3.919996e-01  0.5093561     P   0
## nf              5.202816e+00 3.476888e+00  1.4964004     P   0
## spl(row)        9.333772e+00 2.712907e+00  3.4405054     P   0
## row:col!R       2.880156e+01 1.297886e+00 22.1911349     P   0
## row:col!row!cor 5.118911e-01 2.010364e-02 25.4626056     U   0
## row:col!col!cor 1.479415e-01 2.593579e-02  5.7041444     U   0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1    163993         5693.9 < 2.2e-16 ***
## lin(row)       1     76586         2659.1 < 2.2e-16 ***
## residual (MS)           29
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


mod4.aom <- update(mod4,aom=T)
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:17 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3437.102       28.8039   1671 09:37:17    0.1
##  2     -3437.102       28.8041   1671 09:37:17    0.1
##  3     -3437.102       28.8044   1671 09:37:17    0.1
# standardised residual plots of model 4
mod4.1 <- mod4
mod4.1$residuals<- mod4.aom$aom$R[,2]

pv.blup4 <- predict(mod4,classify="nf")
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:19 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3437.102       28.8039   1671 09:37:19    0.1
##  2     -3437.102       28.8041   1671 09:37:19    0.1
##  3     -3437.102       28.8044   1671 09:37:19    0.1
## Notes:
## - The predictions are obtained by averaging across the hypertable
##   calculated from model terms constructed solely from factors in
##   the averaging and classify sets.
## - Use 'average' to move ignored factors into the averaging set.
## - lin(row) evaluated at average value of 47.000000
## - The ignored set: rep,outl
##   nf predicted.value std.error    status
## 1 N0        43.75732  1.230931 Estimable
## 2 N1        47.02025  1.230343 Estimable
## 3 N2        47.67621  1.230902 Estimable
## 4 N3        48.65409  1.230951 Estimable
## 5 N4        49.45452  1.230932 Estimable
## 6 N5        49.85577  1.230343 Estimable
## Likelihood ratio test(s) assuming nested random models.
## (See Self & Liang, 1987)
##           df LR-statistic Pr(Chisq)
## mod4/mod3  1        340.5 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Fit treatment as fixed

mod5 <- asreml(yield~ 1+lin(row)+nf,
               random= ~rep+spl(row)+outl,
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:24 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3621.512       26.8404   1666 09:37:24    0.1 (2 restrained)
##  2     -3521.236       25.1403   1666 09:37:24    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  3     -3453.252       25.5384   1666 09:37:24    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  4     -3432.959       27.1156   1666 09:37:24    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  5     -3429.555       28.4169   1666 09:37:24    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  6     -3429.448       28.7258   1666 09:37:24    0.1
##  7     -3429.444       28.7899   1666 09:37:24    0.1
##  8     -3429.444       28.8022   1666 09:37:24    0.1
mod5 <- update(mod5)
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:25 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3429.444       28.8046   1666 09:37:25    0.1
##  2     -3429.444       28.8047   1666 09:37:26    0.1
## $loglik
## [1] -3429.444
## $AIC
## [1] 6870.888
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
## $BIC
## [1] 6903.397
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
##                    component    std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## outl            2.914831e-06 1.313756e-07 22.1870037     B   0
## rep             1.986928e-01 3.910214e-01  0.5081378     P   0
## spl(row)        9.334449e+00 2.712630e+00  3.4411066     P   0
## row:col!R       2.880470e+01 1.298269e+00 22.1870037     P   0
## row:col!row!cor 5.119366e-01 2.010437e-02 25.4639431     U   0
## row:col!col!cor 1.478615e-01 2.593447e-02  5.7013516     U   0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1   1216030          42216 < 2.2e-16 ***
## lin(row)       1     76582           2659 < 2.2e-16 ***
## nf             5      2759             96 < 2.2e-16 ***
## residual (MS)           29
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


mod6 <- asreml(yield~ 1+lin(row)+nf+lin(row):nf,
               random= ~rep+spl(row)+outl,
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:28 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3635.245       26.6853   1661 09:37:28    0.1 (2 restrained)
##  2     -3536.439       25.0406   1661 09:37:28    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  3     -3469.082       25.4564   1661 09:37:28    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  4     -3448.874       27.0394   1661 09:37:28    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  5     -3445.461       28.3482   1661 09:37:28    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  6     -3445.351       28.6624   1661 09:37:28    0.1
##  7     -3445.347       28.7289   1661 09:37:28    0.1
##  8     -3445.347       28.7418   1661 09:37:28    0.1
mod6 <- update(mod6)
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:29 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3445.347       28.7444   1661 09:37:29    0.1
##  2     -3445.347       28.7445   1661 09:37:29    0.1
## $loglik
## [1] -3445.347
## $AIC
## [1] 6902.694
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
## $BIC
## [1] 6935.185
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
# -3450.218
##                    component    std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## outl            2.908741e-06 1.317731e-07 22.0738570     B   0
## rep             1.987786e-01 3.905289e-01  0.5089984     P   0
## spl(row)        9.329717e+00 2.713675e+00  3.4380380     P   0
## row:col!R       2.874452e+01 1.302197e+00 22.0738570     P   0
## row:col!row!cor 5.100336e-01 2.035738e-02 25.0539977     U   0
## row:col!col!cor 1.511061e-01 2.604523e-02  5.8016782     U   0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1   1213847          42229    <2e-16 ***
## lin(row)       1     76464           2660    <2e-16 ***
## nf             5      2781             97    <2e-16 ***
## lin(row):nf    5       167              6    0.3252
## residual (MS)           29
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


mod7 <- asreml(yield~ 1+lin(row)+nf,
               random= ~rep+outl+spl(row)+nf:spl(row),
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:31 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3650.042       24.2461   1666 09:37:32    0.3 (3 restrained)
##  2     -3526.211       23.8951   1666 09:37:32    0.3 (2 restrained)
##  3     -3449.071       24.6911   1666 09:37:32    0.3 (2 restrained)
##  4     -3430.819       26.4861   1666 09:37:32    0.3 (1 restrained)
##  5     -3425.773       27.6115   1666 09:37:33    0.3 (1 restrained)
##  6     -3425.339       27.8155   1666 09:37:33    0.3
##  7     -3425.309       27.8430   1666 09:37:33    0.3
##  8     -3425.309       27.8493   1666 09:37:33    0.3
mod7 <- update(mod7)
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:35 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3425.309       27.8508   1666 09:37:35    0.3
##  2     -3425.309       27.8509   1666 09:37:35    0.3
## $loglik
## [1] -3425.309
## $AIC
## [1] 6864.618
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 7
## $BIC
## [1] 6902.545
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 7
##                    component    std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## outl            2.818312e-06 1.268550e-07 22.2168025     B   0
## rep             2.117725e-01 3.908947e-01  0.5417634     P   0
## spl(row)        9.389952e+00 2.723416e+00  3.4478580     P   0
## nf:spl(row)     3.043402e-03 2.337963e-03  1.3017327     P   0
## row:col!R       2.785089e+01 1.253596e+00 22.2168025     P   0
## row:col!row!cor 4.933503e-01 2.094974e-02 23.5492360     U   0
## row:col!col!cor 1.565765e-01 2.605421e-02  6.0096423     U   0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1   1176085          42228 < 2.2e-16 ***
## lin(row)       1     78843           2831 < 2.2e-16 ***
## nf             5      2926            105 < 2.2e-16 ***
## residual (MS)           28
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


pv.blue7 <- predict(mod7,classify="nf")
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:37 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3425.309       27.8511   1666 09:37:37    0.3
##  2     -3425.309       27.8511   1666 09:37:38    0.3
##  3     -3425.309       27.8511   1666 09:37:38    0.3
## Notes:
## - The predictions are obtained by averaging across the hypertable
##   calculated from model terms constructed solely from factors in
##   the averaging and classify sets.
## - Use 'average' to move ignored factors into the averaging set.
## - lin(row) evaluated at average value of 47.000000
## - The ignored set: rep,outl
##   nf predicted.value std.error    status
## 1 N0        42.28202  1.327859 Estimable
## 2 N1        47.89010  1.325923 Estimable
## 3 N2        48.60999  1.327754 Estimable
## 4 N3        49.20231  1.327757 Estimable
## 5 N4        49.47227  1.327859 Estimable
## 6 N5        49.02294  1.325924 Estimable
## Likelihood ratio test(s) assuming nested random models.
## (See Self & Liang, 1987)
##           df LR-statistic Pr(Chisq)
## mod7/mod5  1       8.2694  0.002016 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Compare the BLUEs, BLUPs and raw means

BLUE is from model 7 and BLUP is from model 4.

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## You have loaded plyr after dplyr - this is likely to cause problems.
## If you need functions from both plyr and dplyr, please load plyr first, then dplyr:
## library(plyr); library(dplyr)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Attaching package: 'plyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:maps':
##     ozone
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
##     summarize
               summarise,mean=mean(yield, na.rm = TRUE),
               sem=round(sd(yield, na.rm = TRUE)/sqrt(length(yield[!])), 2))


names(pv.blup.df)=c("Variety", "mean", "std.error", "type")
names("Variety", "mean", "std.error", "type")
names(raw.mean)=c("Variety", "mean", "std.error", "type")

lup.pv1=cbind(raw.mean, pv.blup.df,
names(lup.pv1)=c("Variety","mean","std.error1", "type1","Variety2","BLUP","std.error2", "type2","Variety3",
                 "BLUE","std.error3", "type3"  )

lup.pv2=rbind(raw.mean, pv.blup.df,
lup.pv2=lup.pv2[order(lup.pv2$type,lup.pv2$Variety, lup.pv2$mean),]

       main="Comparison", group=type,
       xlab="Nitrogen Level",
       scales=list(x=list(at=seq(1,54), rot=90, cex=0.7, labels=levels(lup.pv2$Variety))),
       par.settings=simpleTheme(col=c("red", "gold", "purple"),
                                pch=c(8, 6, 5),lty=(1:3), cex=0.5))

xyplot(mean~as.numeric(Variety),type=c('p', 'h'),data=lup.pv2,lwd=2,main="Comparison", group=type,
       xlab="Nitrogen Level",
       scales=list(x=list(at=seq(1,54), rot=90, cex=0.7, labels=levels(lup.pv2$Variety))),
       par.settings=simpleTheme(col=c("red", "gold", "purple"),
                                pch=c(8, 6, 5),lty=(1:3), cex=0.5))

xyplot(BLUP+BLUE~mean,type=c('p', 'r'),data=lup.pv1,lwd=2,main="Comparison",
       xlab="Observed means",
       ylab="Predicted means",auto.key=list(columns=2),as.table=TRUE,
       par.settings=simpleTheme(col=c("red", "blue"),
                                pch=c(8, 6),lty=(1:2), cex=0.5))


pd <- position_dodge(width = 0.5)
ggplot(data=lup.pv2, aes(x = Variety, y = mean, group = type, colour=type)) +
  geom_line(aes(linetype = type), position = pd, lwd=0.8) + scale_color_manual(values=c("red", "blue", "gold")) +
  geom_point(size = 2, position = pd, aes(shape=type)) +  theme(legend.position="top",axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1)) + theme_bw()

ggplot(data =lup.pv2, aes(x = type, y = mean, fill=type)) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = type), width = 0.85, position=position_dodge(width=0.85)) +
  theme(legend.position="right") +
  labs(y="Yield",x="") +
  # scale_fill_manual(values = hmcol) +
  stat_summary(fun.y="mean", colour="darkblue", geom="point",
               position=position_dodge(width=0.85), aes(fill=type),
               shape=18, size=2.5)+theme_bw()

Fit quadratic form \(\beta_0+\beta_1N+\beta_2N^2\)

mod8 <- asreml(yield~ 1+cnitro+cnitro.sq,
               random= ~rep,
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:42 2020
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -5941.452       447.779   1670 09:37:42    0.0 (3 restrained)
##  2     -4781.814       154.203   1670 09:37:42    0.0 (2 restrained)
##  3     -3858.124       134.311   1670 09:37:42    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  4     -3816.302       161.165   1670 09:37:42    0.0 (2 restrained)
##  5     -3755.051       314.682   1670 09:37:42    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  6     -3738.361       437.305   1670 09:37:42    0.0
##  7     -3737.767       329.934   1670 09:37:42    0.0
##  8     -3737.397       405.785   1670 09:37:42    0.0
##  9     -3737.357       358.073   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## 10     -3737.312       390.537   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## 11     -3737.301       369.058   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## 12     -3737.293       383.625   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## 13     -3737.291       373.863   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## 14     -3737.289       380.468   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## 15     -3737.289       376.024   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## 16     -3737.288       379.026   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## 17     -3737.288       377.003   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## 18     -3737.288       378.369   1670 09:37:42    0.0
## $loglik
## [1] -3737.288
## $AIC
## [1] 7482.577
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 4
## $BIC
## [1] 7504.259
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 4
##                    component    std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## rep             3.828827e-05 7.483575e-06   5.116308     B   0
## row:col!R       3.783692e+02 7.395356e+01   5.116308     P   0
## row:col!row!cor 9.544919e-01 9.285171e-03 102.797448     U   0
## row:col!col!cor 2.858123e-01 2.444813e-02  11.690557     U   0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1    217183         574.00    <2e-16 ***
## cnitro         1       366           0.97    0.3256
## cnitro.sq      1         3           0.01    0.9249
## residual (MS)          378
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

mod9 <- asreml(yield~ 1+cnitro+cnitro.sq+lin(row),
               random= ~rep+spl(row),
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:43 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3630.728       26.7968   1669 09:37:44    0.0 (1 restrained)
##  2     -3532.309       25.1043   1669 09:37:44    0.0
##  3     -3465.017       25.4771   1669 09:37:44    0.0
##  4     -3444.899       27.0167   1669 09:37:44    0.0
##  5     -3441.556       28.2771   1669 09:37:44    0.0
##  6     -3441.455       28.5690   1669 09:37:44    0.0
##  7     -3441.452       28.6285   1669 09:37:44    0.0
## $loglik
## [1] -3441.452
## $AIC
## [1] 6892.904
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 5
## $BIC
## [1] 6920.004
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 5
##                  component  std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## rep              0.2028426 0.39285386  0.5163308     P 0.2
## spl(row)         9.3422237 2.71474268  3.4412925     P 0.0
## row:col!R       28.6285460 1.28083295 22.3515065     P 0.0
## row:col!row!cor  0.5088928 0.02007327 25.3517626     U 0.1
## row:col!col!cor  0.1488067 0.02590938  5.7433552     U 0.1
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1   1203272          42031 < 2.2e-16 ***
## cnitro         1      2532             88 < 2.2e-16 ***
## cnitro.sq      1       251              9  0.003052 **
## lin(row)       1     77066           2692 < 2.2e-16 ***
## residual (MS)           29
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


mod10 <- asreml(yield~ 1+cnitro+cnitro.sq+lin(row),
               random= ~rep+spl(row)+outl,
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:46 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3632.147       26.7959   1669 09:37:46    0.1 (2 restrained)
##  2     -3532.485       25.1011   1669 09:37:46    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  3     -3464.956       25.4798   1669 09:37:46    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  4     -3444.886       27.0197   1669 09:37:46    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  5     -3441.555       28.2779   1669 09:37:46    0.1 (1 restrained)
##  6     -3441.455       28.5691   1669 09:37:46    0.1
##  7     -3441.452       28.6286   1669 09:37:46    0.1
mod10<- update(mod10)
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:47 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3441.452       28.6396   1669 09:37:47    0.1
##  2     -3441.452       28.6403   1669 09:37:47    0.1
## $loglik
## [1] -3441.452
## $AIC
## [1] 6894.903
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
## $BIC
## [1] 6927.423
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 6
##                    component    std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## outl            2.898196e-06 1.297424e-07 22.3380859     B   0
## rep             2.028607e-01 3.927744e-01  0.5164815     P   0
## spl(row)        9.344648e+00 2.714414e+00  3.4426027     P   0
## row:col!R       2.864031e+01 1.282129e+00 22.3380859     P   0
## row:col!row!cor 5.089531e-01 2.007415e-02 25.3536564     U   0
## row:col!col!cor 1.487868e-01 2.590959e-02  5.7425402     U   0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1   1203902          42035 < 2.2e-16 ***
## cnitro         1      2529             88 < 2.2e-16 ***
## cnitro.sq      1       251              9  0.003074 **
## lin(row)       1     77020           2689 < 2.2e-16 ***
## residual (MS)           29
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


mod11 <- asreml(yield~ 1+cnitro+cnitro.sq+lin(row),
               random= ~rep+spl(row)+outl+cnitro:spl(row)+cnitro.sq:spl(row),
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:49 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -4106.350       23.9321   1669 09:37:50    0.3 (4 restrained)
##  2     -3891.952       22.8173   1669 09:37:50    0.3 (3 restrained)
##  3     -3713.606       23.2858   1669 09:37:50    0.3 (3 restrained)
##  4     -3601.118       24.6452   1669 09:37:51    0.3 (3 restrained)
##  5     -3522.435       25.4587   1669 09:37:51    0.3 (3 restrained)
##  6     -3466.290       26.0618   1669 09:37:51    0.3 (2 restrained)
##  7     -3442.216       26.8583   1669 09:37:52    0.3 (2 restrained)
##  8     -3433.955       27.1907   1669 09:37:52    0.3
##  9     -3433.943       27.2382   1669 09:37:52    0.3
mod11<- update(mod11)
## Model fitted using the gamma parameterization.
## ASReml 4.1.0 Tue Jul 21 09:37:53 2020
## Spline: design points closer than 0.0092 have been merged.
##           LogLik        Sigma2     DF     wall    cpu
##  1     -3433.943       27.2472   1669 09:37:54    0.3
##  2     -3433.943       27.2475   1669 09:37:54    0.3
## $loglik
## [1] -3433.943
## $AIC
## [1] 6883.887
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 8
## $BIC
## [1] 6927.247
## attr(,"parameters")
## [1] 8
##                       component    std.error    z.ratio bound %ch
## outl               2.757257e-06 1.211081e-07 22.7669104     B   0
## rep                2.214044e-01 3.925147e-01  0.5640665     P   0
## spl(row)           9.282358e+00 2.702708e+00  3.4344659     P   0
## cnitro:spl(row)    1.102903e-08 4.844323e-10 22.7669104     B  NA
## cnitro.sq:spl(row) 1.102903e-08 4.844323e-10 22.7669104     B  NA
## row:col!R          2.724753e+01 1.196804e+00 22.7669104     P   0
## row:col!row!cor    4.819059e-01 2.088209e-02 23.0774740     U   0
## row:col!col!cor    1.611688e-01 2.597173e-02  6.2055493     U   0
## Wald tests for fixed effects.
## Response: yield
## Terms added sequentially; adjusted for those above.
##               Df Sum of Sq Wald statistic Pr(Chisq)
## (Intercept)    1   1146164          42065 < 2.2e-16 ***
## cnitro         1      2736            100 < 2.2e-16 ***
## cnitro.sq      1       290             11  0.001114 **
## lin(row)       1     80351           2949 < 2.2e-16 ***
## residual (MS)           27
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


## Likelihood ratio test(s) assuming nested random models.
## (See Self & Liang, 1987)
##             df LR-statistic Pr(Chisq)
## mod11/mod10  2       15.017 0.0001904 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
fit11<- fitted(mod11)
fit7 <- fitted(mod7)


## [1] NA


Contour plots of fitted values

Raw data

Intercept by GWR

By ASReml

By Bayesian model

Contour plots of predicted values

Predicted yield (quintals/ha) for an overall medium nitrogen treatment of 75.4 kg/ha.

Prediction by GWR

Prediction by Bayesian model